Everybody needs inspiration Everybody needs a song A beautiful melody When the nights so long
Cause there is no guarantee That this life is easy
Yeah, when my world is falling apart When theres no light to break up the dark Thats when I, I I look at you
When the waves Are flooding the shore and I cant Find my way home anymore Thats when I, I I look at you
When I look at you, I see forgiveness I see the truth You love me for who I am Like the stars hold the moon Right there where they belong And I know Im not alone
Yeah, when my world is falling apart When theres no light to break up the dark Thats when I, I I look at you
When the waves Are flooding the shore and I cant Find my way home anymore Thats when I, I I look at you
You appear just like a dream to me Just like Kaleidoscope colors that Cover me, all I need Every breath that I breathe Dont you know youre beautiful?
Yeah, yeah, yeah
When the waves Are flooding the shore and I cant Find my way home anymore Thats when I, I I look at you I look at you
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